Monday, June 28, 2010

Dunkin Donuts Dodge

Call it naivety but I still don't understand. At Montebello's "Three Amigos" protest in 2007, I was present when three policeman, dressed as protesters, wearing bandanas as facecovers, rocks in hand, etc. were revealed to be disguised policemen. This was confirmed by the Surete du Quebec later. (See blog)

The past weekend saw thousands of policemen in the G8/20 Summit in Toronto, with clubs, shields, body armour, guns, tear gas and more, being very aggressive against comparatively few protesters. Inevitably, there was a small anarchist lunatic fringe which brings a bad name to citizen protests.

The view via one's living room television showed quite peaceful activity initially. The law enforcers, however, were very intimidating and even the media seemed determined to show repeatedly the same window being smashed and, at final count, four police cars set alight. I am trying to see how this latter could happen. Police seemed more numerous than activists (residents stayed home). As soon as required, a wall of well-protected police could materialize out of thin air! So, how did these cars get burned? Molotov cocktails? Gas-soaked rags and a match. I really don't think so. Moreover, it was difficult not to notice the absence of fire trucks or even extinguishers. The picture of a flaming police car was in isolation, and constantly reshown on CBC. So, were the police asleep? They seemed awake when cuffing and removing those they were arresting.

Guess, after all, there had to be something to show for that billion bucks paid to protect those G8 members. Odd, too, that no protester that I saw was violating a donut shop! If the law enforcers were not in Tim Horton's, or trying to put out the anticipated fires, where were they? Other than in those huddled masses, apparently looking the other way.?

Does something smell here, other than the smouldering cars?

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Been Done Before!

Amongst all the rhubarb, spoken and written, about the location chosen for the G20, the commentators, in discussion with the "experts," highlight the danger of clashes between protesters and the police. Why would they hold it in the centre of a major city where mayhem and manhandling by police is highly probable they ask? There was an event in 2001, September 11th, which many believe George W. Bush was aware of beforehand but chose to ignore. The result, apart from the death of innocent people and the destruction of the buildings attacked, was The Patriot Act amongst other controls, which made possible all kinds of repression  impossible before 9/11.
What a gift to the controlling bodies; we are much more malleable when the government is "responding" to left-wing, socialist, anarchist, radical groups who are trying to destroy our democracy!

Meat Logic

A California restaurant, "The Hump," was surreptitiously selling whale meat. The owner apologised and the place may by now have closed. One must ponder why some animals, endangered species, get special treatment. Another species, CEOs, are not endangered, though their ill-earned gains may be, but they get fat bonuses. Seals are prolific to the point of destruction of other species but humans may not earn a living from harvesting their coats. However, slaughter of calves, cows, lambs, et al, is AOK!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bad Examples

Ottawa's Parliamentary Question Period is a total disgrace. Shrieking, applauding, thumping desks, stabbing the air with bony index fingers and nodding their silly heads in support of their party monologues.  In addition, the so-called pundits, political experts, seem to have followed suit, now diminished to shouting, interrupting one another and showing not a smidgen of courtesy, good taste - or class.

John Baird's recent violent attack on Siobhan Coady in the Government Operations Committee was nothing less than bullying.  Luckily she gave him as good, or better, than he did to her. His award as 'Parliamentarian of the year' will stand in infamy! The award was, of course, made by the extreme right-wing magazine Macleans.What can one say about the whole negative mess? As for me, I will be sure not to subscribe to Macleans and definitely will not vote for any party that allows a thug like John Baird in it.

Little wonder that our children scream at, fight with, and bully each other. They are being trained by our "best".

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Mad, Mad World? Definitely!

Victor Meldrew wouldn't believe it - nor will you., yet it is evidently true. A new "fad," starting in the U.K., is increasing in popularity. People, to get high a tad faster, pour vodka into the eyeball!!!!!!! One can appreciate the motive of keeping parents unaware that a teenager has been boozing by keeping your breath free of odour of alcohol (although I believe vodka is odourless). However, the major motivation is drunker - faster (as one user stated). Ophthalmoligists warn of the dangers but that seems small deterrent.

England, having recently announced the two mascots, Wenlock and Mandeville, for the 2012 Olympics and received some ridicule, is now sure to get some more as the originator of this "habit." British journalists who mocked Vancouver last year for serving cold beer had better brace itself if Canada objects to another odd choice by the former colonists. "They must be bloody mad!!!!!!"

Friday, June 4, 2010

Good Night All

Good night, David...Good night, Chet...Good night, Michael....