Monday, December 20, 2010

Equations Will Be Equations

Oh, joy! Today's Globe and Mail reassured us that 92% of Canadian executives think the economy will grow next year..."though most feel the expansion will be moderate."

Are the bonuses of CEOs incorporated in this equation? That could 'moderate' the optimistic view!

                                                                   Gobble, gobble!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Screwed Again!

Not many hours available at this busy time of year but I've had enough - and have to comment!

During the past week I browsed books in Chapters. Our dollar is at par... well, 99 cents, US. The national bestseller, Sailing Alone Around the Room, by Billy Collins was USA $14.95 and CAN $21.00. I have been unable to find any reason or justification for this. will get it to you for CAN $15.16. Having received an iPad for my birthday, I find that the available books, via iBooks, are largely devoid of ones written and/or printed in Canada.

At the same time, Canada is being pushed around regarding the border which separates us from the USA. It is definitely time to dig in our heels! Our P.M., Stephen Harper, always seems content to be kissing our place or another. We may only be 10% of the population of the USA but we punch above our weight when it comes to resources. We must defend all of those, ferociously - forests, minerals and, especially, water. We were hosed by Uncle Sam re. softwood lumber, starting in 1982, and finally losing outright in 2009, with a 10% surcharge awarded the U.S. So much for free trade (NAFTA) and (WTO)globalization!

That 49th parallel is ours to the north, the American's to the south. Any ill-feeling engendered by border guards seems to occur for those travelling south. The few yards between the two control posts is no-man's land! Let us hold our heads high while we are still the true North, strong - and free?