Monday, March 8, 2010

Hope Springs Eternal

This blog promised critical and "hopeful" notes. Not easy to find tales of hope, these days. However, things are looking up!

Yann Martel, in April, 2007, decided to start a dialogue with Stephen Harper. He promised to send him a letter and a suitable book, of an improving nature, every two weeks while the PM remained in office. That continues...and you can read all about it on this website:

Recently, Martel received compliments on his award-winning book, "Life of Pi", handwritten, from...Barack Obama. Yes, that one! Now, Martel has published a book of his letters which accompanied the books he sent to the Prime Minister. In last Saturday's Globe & Mail, Bruce Meyer's review is worth reading.

We may hope that Mr. Harper will soon have MORE time to devote to all those gifts. Thank you, Yann.

I was reassured, my hopes refreshed, by Martel's musing, "There will always be more books one would like to read than one will have time to read."


  1. Hi Don,

    Sorry to post this here, but I didn't see a contact link on this blog page. I thought you'd be interested in this new proposal in Congress. It's American, so I don't know how it would affect Canadian blogs questioning the government, but through the SPP, I'm sure they could pretty much do what they want. Think Omar Khadr!

    A Detention Bill You Ought to Read More Carefully:

    And check the video at the end of this one!

  2. Looks like a long read, Ron. I shall get to it but should perhaps re-read my copy of Animal Farm. I'll get back to you.


  3. Stephen Harper has gone up one or two notches in my estimation. At Copenhagen he refused to cave in to the climate change hysteria. He didn't give a rat's ass that Canada was given numerous fossil awards. Looking back now, post climategate, his stance seems very wise.

    The two 'save the planet' guys, Robert Mugabe and Hugo Chavez, were about to make off like bandits with our tax dollars. Our old friend Al Gore who has invested heavily in 'green' was set to become the first post-carbon billionaire.

  4. Ron, have now read the item. It is quite disturbing, if not downright frightening. Not long ago, when we were all largely serfs and peasants, we thought we were safe from the bullyboys. The corporate masters are still the rulers, however, and can buy anything: votes, thugs... That has not been made better by the US Supreme Court legalizing lobbyist financing. Thanks for the information.
