Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bad Examples

Ottawa's Parliamentary Question Period is a total disgrace. Shrieking, applauding, thumping desks, stabbing the air with bony index fingers and nodding their silly heads in support of their party monologues.  In addition, the so-called pundits, political experts, seem to have followed suit, now diminished to shouting, interrupting one another and showing not a smidgen of courtesy, good taste - or class.

John Baird's recent violent attack on Siobhan Coady in the Government Operations Committee was nothing less than bullying.  Luckily she gave him as good, or better, than he did to her. His award as 'Parliamentarian of the year' will stand in infamy! The award was, of course, made by the extreme right-wing magazine Macleans.What can one say about the whole negative mess? As for me, I will be sure not to subscribe to Macleans and definitely will not vote for any party that allows a thug like John Baird in it.

Little wonder that our children scream at, fight with, and bully each other. They are being trained by our "best".


  1. Maclean's, extremely right wing?! Mark Steyn rules.


  2. Where would you place it on the spectrum? You know, of course, that the Maclean's award to John Baird, Parliamentarian of the Year was because all Conservatives were told to vote for him by their leader. The editorial board of Macleans is said to be ulta-right. Can you prove that to be untrue?

    Stay well. Don
