Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Been Done Before!

Amongst all the rhubarb, spoken and written, about the location chosen for the G20, the commentators, in discussion with the "experts," highlight the danger of clashes between protesters and the police. Why would they hold it in the centre of a major city where mayhem and manhandling by police is highly probable they ask? There was an event in 2001, September 11th, which many believe George W. Bush was aware of beforehand but chose to ignore. The result, apart from the death of innocent people and the destruction of the buildings attacked, was The Patriot Act amongst other controls, which made possible all kinds of repression  impossible before 9/11.
What a gift to the controlling bodies; we are much more malleable when the government is "responding" to left-wing, socialist, anarchist, radical groups who are trying to destroy our democracy!

1 comment:

  1. As an aside concerning 9/11 and the PATRIOT ACT, it was actually written BEFORE 9/11, which gives one even more to ponder.

    The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11:
