Monday, June 28, 2010

Dunkin Donuts Dodge

Call it naivety but I still don't understand. At Montebello's "Three Amigos" protest in 2007, I was present when three policeman, dressed as protesters, wearing bandanas as facecovers, rocks in hand, etc. were revealed to be disguised policemen. This was confirmed by the Surete du Quebec later. (See blog)

The past weekend saw thousands of policemen in the G8/20 Summit in Toronto, with clubs, shields, body armour, guns, tear gas and more, being very aggressive against comparatively few protesters. Inevitably, there was a small anarchist lunatic fringe which brings a bad name to citizen protests.

The view via one's living room television showed quite peaceful activity initially. The law enforcers, however, were very intimidating and even the media seemed determined to show repeatedly the same window being smashed and, at final count, four police cars set alight. I am trying to see how this latter could happen. Police seemed more numerous than activists (residents stayed home). As soon as required, a wall of well-protected police could materialize out of thin air! So, how did these cars get burned? Molotov cocktails? Gas-soaked rags and a match. I really don't think so. Moreover, it was difficult not to notice the absence of fire trucks or even extinguishers. The picture of a flaming police car was in isolation, and constantly reshown on CBC. So, were the police asleep? They seemed awake when cuffing and removing those they were arresting.

Guess, after all, there had to be something to show for that billion bucks paid to protect those G8 members. Odd, too, that no protester that I saw was violating a donut shop! If the law enforcers were not in Tim Horton's, or trying to put out the anticipated fires, where were they? Other than in those huddled masses, apparently looking the other way.?

Does something smell here, other than the smouldering cars?

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